Rules and regulations
Please take time to read the rules and regulations prior to registration
- All team members must be present at the take off from the Racetrack on 1804 by 7:30am Saturday morning. Take off in the order
Racetrack Map you arrive. Be courteous to other teams. You can start lining up no earlier that 6:30am. See map of lineup area.
- Takeoff will be at 7:30 am.
- Any team showing up after 8:00am will be disqualified for prizes. If part of the team wishes to check in, only those that have checked in on time will be eligible to fish. Tournament director must be notified.
- Teams must check in with Mike Warren by 5:00pm on Saturday in the Hoop Building at the Outpost. Mike will be there set up ready to weigh fish by 4 pm Saturday. If you check in after 5pm you are not eligible for prizes. If you decide not to weigh please check in with one of us to ensure you are safely off the water.
- Lake Oahe Only
- No ice fishing allowed, all fishing must be from a boat or shore.
- 2-4 person teams
- All State and Federal rules and regulations must be followed.
- Only ONE boat per team. Everyone must be in the boat or on shore. You cannot split up.
- Two vehicles can be taken per team but must be in the same area. No saving spots prior to leaving the tournament take off. All vehicles and team members must be present at takeoff.
- All team members must fish in the same area. You must be within talking distance of the 4 team members.
- Reminder that if you are planning to fish the reservation side of the lake from shore CRST requires a reservation license.
- Awards will be given to the 1st – 9th place teams. 1st, 2nd Large pike (one large pike per team) and smallest pike will also be awarded prizes. (Small pike must be in your weighed basket.)
- Best weight of 8 pike.
- In the event of a tie the team with the largest pike will win the tie breaker.
- In the event of a tie for large or small pike the teams will split the money.
- All final decisions will be made by tournament director Mike Warren, if you have a problem with Mike’s decision then you can find another pike tournament to fish.
There are loopholes in all rules. These rules are in place to ensure that our tournament is fished with honesty and integrity. Your reputation is on the line. Our pike fishing community is small. Use common sense and there won’t be any problems. Remember this is an invitational. If there is a perception of deception you will not be invited back.
Please call Curt 350-3845 or Mike 595-7776 with any questions.
The Ice situation is a difficult one. There will be “Joe Public” out fishing. Be respectful to others. We will hear about people being disrespectful. GF&P will be out. Driving on public shorelines is illegal and you will get a ticket. Don’t ruin it for the future years of the Pikemasters. Be respectful when driving through the Spring Creek and Cow Creek areas – people live here including us. Please obey traffic laws. Don’t be an idiot we will hear about it.
Willie and Greg would like to thank the volunteers for their support of the Pikemasters Tournament!