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2025 Lake Sharpe Showdown



In stock


April 26-27 

Hosted by: Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce

Teams: The first 60 properly completed entry forms.

Entry fee: $450 per team. 2 team members. No refunds once confirmed. (Final payouts will be announced at the tournament meeting)

Processing Fee: Please note that upon checkout you will be assessed a processing fee of $13.35

Mandatory Registration/Rules Meeting: Contestants must check in at the Rules Meeting. Check in begins at 4:30pm, Friday, April 25, 2025; meeting begins at 6:00pm. Location: Missouri River Event Center – 217 West Missouri Ave., Pierre, SD 57501

IMPORTANT: By purchasing this registration on-line, you and your fishing partner are agreeing to the waiver below:

Lake Sharpe Showdown-Specific Rules

Fishing is permitted on Lake Sharpe. One tank of gas, no carrying extra gas. Only factory installed gas tanks are allowed. No extra tanks can be added.

Prizes will be based on the most weight of walleyes, sauger, or saugeye caught in the tournament – each boat will be allotted 7 tags per day, and all 7 fish must be tagged properly in the mouth, of which 5 of 7 will be weighed. The contestant will be responsible for the selection of the 5 walleyes to be weighed.

Catch and Release: A one (1) pound deduction will be made for each legal fish presented to the bump master for weighing that is determined to be dead. (Category Two penalty) Every boat must have adequate live well space, properly aerated to sufficiently maintain, in a healthy condition, a limit catch by competitors using the boat. TFC recommends the use of live well additive and ice, in warmer water months to improve oxygen levels and promote a healthy release of fish into natural habitat. Tournament officials shall have the sole responsibility for assessing any penalty points for determining whether aeration and capacity is “proper and adequate”.

Minimum Size Limit: Two walleyes per day, per boat (2 anglers) – Twenty (20) inches or longer.

Waiver: I/We in consideration for permission to voluntarily participate in ANY event(s) or related activities conducted by but not limited to; C and C Promotions, LLC., The Fishing Crew,(TFC), South Dakota Governor’s Cup, South Dakota Governor’s Bass Cup, and all other affiliated circuits or events either jointly or separately, I/WE acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that: The risk of injury, disability, death, loss or damage to my person or property from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; If you have significant medical conditions you should consider not participating in the event. AND,
I/WE have been advised by the event organizers and have had the opportunity to seek legal counsel with respect to the legal effect of this document; AND, I VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO PARTICIPATE, AND KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL RISKS, BOTH KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE ORGANIZERS andor, their officers, officials, directors, shareholders, agents, and/or employees, other participants, and sponsoring agencies/advertisers, their parent and affiliate companies and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises and property used to conduct the event OR any others connected to the event (collectively “RELEASES”), AND I HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR RISKS ARISING FROM MY PARTICIPATION. I willingly agree to comply with the terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence, I will remove myself from participation and bring until it is safe to continue; AND I, FOR MYSELF AND ON BEHALF OF MY HEIRS, REPRESENTATIVES AND NEXT OF KIN, HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS “RELEASEES”, with respect to any and all damage, injury, disability, death, or loss to person or property, which I suffer or which I am found to have caused in whole or in part by my negligence or intentional misconduct or whether arising from the negligence of the RELEASEES, to the fullest extent of the law.

I agree to submit, by agreeing to this document, and by my participation in the event, to a truth verification test, and abide by its conclusion. Truth verification test(s) will be used at the organizer’s sole discretion, and administered by its agents. I understand that failure to pass the exam as determined by the event organizers will result in disqualification. I also certify that the number given on all forms is my correct and unique taxpayer identification number.

If I am an equipment or a boat operator, I understand as the captain/operator of a vessel or any piece of equipment that I am solely responsible for the safe operation of it and for the safety of any and all occupants in it at all times. I expressly assume all risks associated with the event. If I am using a boat during the allowed practice or the event, I certify that I now have, or will obtain prior to the event, property damage, excess medical, watercraft liability and/or contractors’ insurance having reasonable limits or defined in the rules. Said insurance must cover any and all injury and/or damage incurred in connection with the event. Upon request, I will provide satisfactory evidence of said insurance. If I am participating in a youth event of any kind, I certify that training compliant with the Youth Safe Sports Act of 2017 has been made available to me this year. I hereby wave my rights of privacy or publicity free and clear of any claims whatsoever on participants part with regard to the event organizers unconditional right to use my name, voice, photographic likeness, video and biographical information and fishing tips and instructions in connection with any reproduction of same, through any media, medium, format or productions by the event organizers, their parent or affiliate companies, and those acting under their permission, anywhere, at any time. I shall not be entitled to receive any royalties, payments or other compensation in connection with such use. I further agree that event officials’ decisions will be final and binding. I understand and agree that the tournament officials reserve the right to reject my application for any reason whatsoever. Having fully acquainted myself with the rules and this agreement I agree to be bound by them. I have agreed to this contract either physically, digitally or by my participation in the event. I acknowledge this document has been made available to me multiple times, I understand it and agree to enter knowingly and voluntarily.

For Parents/Guardians of Minority Age Participants: As parent/guardian with legal responsibility for a minor participant, do consent and agree to their release as defined above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities, incidents to my minor child’s participation, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE of the Releasees, to the fullest extent permitted by law.